San Jose Sharkie visits campus
Mrs. VanderKoois class wins the San Jose Sharks Reading is Cool contest!

The official Sharkie of the San Jose Sharks came to congratulate Mrs. Vanderkooi's 2nd grade class for being tops in their Reading is Cool program. First, Sharkie met Principal Burbank and helped himself to teacher snacks from her cabinet, and he hid his snacks inside his jumbo shoe! Then, Sharkie visited the winning class and made himself at home with his feet on the desk! He asked where students had visited during their vacation last week, even getting the Sharks to guarantee him a trip to Maui next year -- we'll see! Sharkie asked what books the learners had read; Harry Potter and DogMan were tops. Finally, Sharkie gifted some new books about sharks to Mrs. Vanderkooi's classroom library. Go San Jose Sharks!