Forest Hill Elementary School

School News

Updated Mon, Jan 13th

Choose one tour, either at 8:30 am or 3:30 pm on Tuesday, January 21 in staff room #1; no RSVP is required.  Enter and sign in through the front office behind the construction trailer.  Best to allow time to find neighborhood parking and to sign in as we'll begin meetings promptly at start times. You'll hear from Principals Ms. Burbank and Ms. Armann and have a chance for a guided campus tour for a behind the fences glimpse.  You can search for enrollment answers ahead of time at the district website:


Updated Fri, Dec 20th

Assembly speaker Dr. Blake Brandes presented on the black top to all Forest Hill Falcons.  He explained how the brain is a muscle that can get stronger, and if you're not good at something, you say, "I'm not good at playing piano, yet" as an example.  He had students share things they're not good at yet, and the list included math, tennis, reading, Minecraft, jewelry-making, and more.  And then he delivered those items in an amazing on-the-spot rap, linked below.  Dr. Brandes got the whole audience clapping and chanting, "If I keep going, my mind keeps growing!"  An awesome message for every learner. Every classroom also received Dr. Brandes' newest book titled One More Try.  

Dr. Blake Brandes at Forest Hill

Updated Tue, Nov 26th

5th graders Neev Kodnani, Nirup Sai Venati, and Sachit Gubbi from Ms. Ensor's class participated in CalChess Grade-Level State Championship for chess this past weekend and won first place!  Check out the winners lifting the trophy that's now on display in the front office.

Updated Tue, Nov 19th
Forest Hill's adaptive PE teacher Alejandro Prado hosts morning recess activities on the blacktop near room 12 on Thursdays and in the kinder yard on Tuesdays. The activities create inclusion with all students at recess time so we would love for you to encourage your learner to stop by and have some fun. Every month, Mr. Praro hosts a new rotation of activities.  For the month of October, learners used balancing stones and beams. This month, learners can play ring toss together. In December, they'll play bean bag toss (for the win!).  Mr. Praro is excited to welcome all Forest Hill learners to create a more inclusive environment for our school. 
Updated Thu, Nov 28th

Visit our AIM Blog here:

Updated Tue, Oct 29th

Coonstruction on our multi-use buildiing, funded my Measure T, reached a milestone -- at least a visual milestone -- by placing the first beam this week.  Many more beams will follow, but the first one is special.  The multi-use room will house a kitchen, cafeteria, and stage and flexible seating area for performances.  Ribbon cutting is scheduled for the beginning of next school year, 25-26.

Updated Mon, Oct 21st

Thanks for neighborhood volunteer Ms. Beena!  You usually see her on the drop-off loop in the mornings.  Today, she helped Principal Burbank put on traditional dress and taught her and the kinders two fun moves - Raas with sticks and Garba with claps and steps.

Updated Mon, Nov 4th

Dear Falcons,
If you did not take your school picture on Thursday, September 12th, 2024, or want a retake please save the date!
RETAKES/ MAKEUP PICTURES are scheduled for Thursday, October 24th, 2024!!

Updated Mon, Oct 14th

All Forest Hill learners gathered on the blacktop this morning before recess to recognize

-September students of the month representing RESPECT, as selected by their teachers
-National Custodian Day, Miss Liz
-Hispanic Heritage Month with folklorico dancers
Updated Wed, Oct 2nd

Forest Hill hosted our annual cow assembly by the Dairy Council. Over two assemblies, every student learned about milk and milk products from the cow to the cafeteria.  Every student learned that "mother mammals make milk" and to say "pasteurize" (hint, past your eyes!).  The name of the visiting cow is Buttermilk, and she's five years old.  Ask your student what they learned about Buttermilk today!