Forest Hill Elementary School

School News

Updated Wed, Mar 19th

Finally, after a week of rainy days, we gathered Forest Hill learners for the kickoff of our American Heart Association fund raiser.  Check your learner's Friday folder (from last week) or your Parent Square message about the Kids Heart Challenge to donate or to spread the word on your social networks.  When Forest Hill hits our goal of $3,000 for American Heart Association, learners earn an extended "free" recess. Thanks to PE teacher Ms. Cohn for sponsoring the Forest Hill effort toward healthy hearts.

Updated Wed, Mar 26th

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The PTA board is looking for new members for the 2025-2026 academic year! Your involvement helps fund vital programs, enrich our children's learning experiences, and build a stronger school community. The following officers are looking to be filled:
  • Secretary - Takes minutes at board and association meetings
  • Fundraising - Plan fun and effective fundraising events to support our school
  • Membership - Grow our PTA membership and welcome new families
  • Financial Reviewer (Auditor) - Ensure our financial records are accurate and transparent

We understand that your time is valuable, and even a small contribution can make a big difference. 
Please reach out to financialsecretary [at] if you'd like to learn more!
-PTA board

Updated Fri, Mar 21st

The multi-use building is wrapped and that means the outside stucco and large format tiles and windows are next.  And then the crews swarm the inside for plumbing, electrical, dry wall, and finishes.  Still six to seven months remain for construction, but we are on track to open for the next school year 2025-26!  A new kitchen with more food options, an inside assembly space with a stage, and a rainy day location to project movies -- all dreams come true!

Updated Wed, Mar 19th

Picture Day is this week!  You can place your order on before Picture Day using the Picture Day ID found on your Friday folder flyer or search for it online at  Individual pics and class pics, both!

Updated Tue, Mar 11th

The official Sharkie of the San Jose Sharks came to congratulate Mrs. Vanderkooi's 2nd grade class for being tops in their Reading is Cool program.  First, Sharkie met Principal Burbank and helped himself to teacher snacks from her cabinet, and he hid his snacks inside his jumbo shoe!  Then, Sharkie visited the winning class and made himself at home with his feet on the desk!  He asked where students had visited during their vacation last week, even getting the Sharks to guarantee him a trip to Maui next year -- we'll see!  Sharkie asked what books the learners had read; Harry Potter and DogMan were tops.  Finally, Sharkie gifted some new books about sharks to Mrs. Vanderkooi's classroom library.  Go San Jose Sharks!

Updated Thu, Feb 20th

Friday, February 7 - deadline for registration!

Updated Wed, Feb 19th

Family Math Night will be on Wednesday, Feb. 26. We need volunteers to help run stations! Volunteer training is from 4-5 pm and the event is from 5-6:30. High school and college age volunteers are welcome. Please fill out this form if you can volunteer.

Updated Thu, Feb 13th

Ms. Cheng taught character writing, all learners observed the dragon dance, and kinders paraded in front of students and stomped "firecrackers" (also known as bubble wrap).

Updated Tue, Feb 4th

Open Enrollment period — Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025 through Friday, Feb. 14, 2025 — is the time to request a transfer to a specific school within our district for a Kindergarten student.

NOTE for current TK Families:
Please use our school finder link to identify which elementary school is considered the child's home school for Kindergarten. It may be different from the one your TK student attended in 2024-25. Click here for the district website.

Updated Thu, Jan 30th

Link to slide presentation.  Choose one tour, either at 8:30 am or 3:30 pm on Tuesday, January 21 in staff room #1; no RSVP is required.  Enter and sign in through the front office behind the construction trailer.  Best to allow time to find neighborhood parking and to sign in as we'll begin meetings promptly at start times. You'll hear from Principals Ms. Burbank and Ms. Armann and have a chance for a guided campus tour for a behind the fences glimpse.  You can search for enrollment answers ahead of time at the district website: