Forest Hill Elementary School

ELPAC Testing at Forest Hill

Forest Hill will start the group portion of ELPAC testing on April 12th and run through April 19th.

All students who are identified as second language learners will be tested.  This test helps determine how much growth they have made with English in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. This assessment helps determine next steps for instruction, as well as reclassifying students who show proficiency in all the domains tested.

Please make it a priority to arrive on time since we start the assessments first thing in the morning. 

So that our students may have their best opportunity to succeed and demonstrate all that they’ve learned this year, we ask that you...

  • Have your child get a full night of sleep during this time period.

  • Have your child eat a healthy breakfast and arrive with a snack.

  • Make it a priority to arrive on time.

  • Schedule all activities and appointments after school hours.