Forest Hill Elementary School

Cornerstone for April

Encouraging students to serve in their community

 For April, our Project Cornerstone Asset is asset #9 Service to Others, where Parent Readers are encouraging students to serve in their community. Even doing so remotely, students can reach out and make a difference! Our parent readers are reading remotely the book "René Has Two Last Names" by René Colato Laínez. The focus of this book is to help students to learn to respect different cultural customs and traditions (and in this particular book, Hispanic culture and customs) and to encourage students to have an inclusive mindset. René Colato Laínez, the main character, is teased because he wants to be called by both his last names. This makes him a bit different from the other students, who soon name-call and tease him. René is also often known as a “girl” name in the United States. He ignores the teasing and uses his "family tree" assignment to educate his new teacher and classmates. This homework assignment provides René with a way to build a reputation of who he is and why it is important to honor one's own family and culture. He is proud of his culture and stands tall by embracing his differences! Below is a photo of one of our Parent Readers, Pooja Jadhav, reading for Ms. Lee's 1st Grade class.