Forest Hill Elementary School

STEAMy Day @ Forest Hill

Friday, February 12 was a STEAMy day at Forest Hill. We had 23 different STEAM activities going on campus wide. Students in grades TK-5 participated in dynamic and engaging learning opportunities. We had two CUSD STEM teachers here to teach lessons using our new Dash Robots and our iPads to learn coding. Mrs. Schultz and Mrs. Schlief used iPads to teach stop motion technology using students' art work. We also had 3 dedicated parent volunteers sharing their passion for STEAM with our students. Mr. Parameswaran worked with in a  kindergarten classroom to teach programming using the Scratch program. Mr. Hand supported a fifth grade classroom with learning about robotics. Dr. Bryson was worked with three first classrooms to teach students about Veterinary Science. I greatly appreciate the support of our teachers, district and parents for making this event so successful and enriching for our students.