Forest Hill Elementary School

District Celebrates the 2023-24 Outstanding Employees and Volunteers

Annual Recognition Event

On Thursday, May 23rd, Campbell Union School District’s school communities will come together to honor the exceptional individuals chosen as the 2023-24 Employees and Volunteers of the Year. This annual recognition event, being held at 5:30 pm at Lynhaven School, celebrates the dedication and hard work that make all of our schools great places to work and learn.

The district will recognize 42 outstanding teachers, classified support staff, volunteers, and administrators for their significant contributions over this 2023-24 school year. The highlight of the event will be the announcement of this year’s District-level honorees, who will advance to the county’s recognition program.

Below is the list of the honorees from each school. 

Blackford ............ Lauren Gourley - Classified Employee of the Year

                                 Jenna Roldan - Teacher of the Year

                                 Rachelle Johnson - Volunteer of the Year

CSI ....................... Kellie Johnson - Classified Employee of the Year

                                Amanda Haughs - Teacher of the Year

                                Michelle Phipps - Volunteer of the Year

Capri ................... Astrid Sanz - Classified Employee of the Year

                                Katie Iyama - Teacher of the Year

                                Leslie Belghoul - Volunteer of the Year

Castlemont ....... Irama Mendoza - Classified Employee of the Year

                               Stephanie Lykam - Teacher of the Year

                               Barbie Rosato - Volunteer of the Year

Forest Hill ......... Peggy DeVincenzi - Classified Employee of the Year

                               Jullie Pachoud - Teacher of the Year

                               Amber Menasco - Volunteer of the Year

Lynhaven ......... Charu Sarin - Classified Employee of the Year

                              Sarah Day - Teacher of the Year

                              Christine Wolffe - Volunteer of the Year

Marshall Lane .. Farah Sheikh - Classified Employee of the Year

                               Kristy Hunt - Teacher of the Year

                               Christa Levine - Volunteer of the Year

Monroe MS ....... Belen Solis - Classified Employee of the Year

                               Megan Duena - Teacher of the Year

                               Veronica Shields - Volunteer of the Year

Preschool .......... Nazy Ardalan - Classified Employee of the Year

Rolling Hills MS...Gail Panus - Classified Employee of the Year

                                  GiIlian Harrington - Teacher of the Year

                                  Eileen Weinstein - Volunteer of the Year

Rosemary ......... Stephanie Murakami - Classified Employee of the Year

                               Alyssa Sigala - Teacher of the Year

                               Alejandra Cortes - Volunteer of the Year

Sherman Oaks ... Leticia Jaimes - Classified Employee of the Year

                                 Lino Gutierrez - Teacher of the Year

                                 Pamela Trounstine - Volunteer of the Year

Village ................. Laura Torres Cendejas - Classified Employee of the Year

                                 Aisling Clarke - Teacher of the Year

                                 Peggy Koralage - Volunteer of the Year